Thursday, March 29, 2012

Magnetic Photo Peg

Hello Blog World,

First a bit of a brag about my family life, little Athletics is over for another season and congratulations to my daughter for making the state championships, she didn’t make the state team but she is still a champion in my eye making it that far.  On another note she has made the state team for FUTSAL (Indoor Soccer for people not in the know).  I wish I knew where she got her athleticism from!


Now on to why we are really here, the crafts!!

With all the sporting events and work and drawing classes, there has not been too much time for crafting.  I am still working on my hutch and I am hoping to have that finished on the Easter break, I have also started sewing my quilt together and hope to have that finished this weekend.

What I did manage to sneak in on the weekend before I started piecing my quilt together was a small project I have been wanting to complete.

My magnetic photo peg! You may remember these photo pegs I made for my sister in law’s first market stall last year.

peg all

Well I really loved these and I had one left over that I kept for myself.  So it’s been sitting there all naked for the last 4 months, just waiting to be made into something beautiful.

magnetised photo peg 01

So since I had all my quilt bits out and they are blacks and whites, I thought why not work with the same theme?  Grabbed my paper scraps out, found the perfect paper.  Then had some scraps from my quilt and made my ruffle flower I love so much and hot glued her on.

Ta-da…fully clothed and magnetised photo/document peg!

magnetised photo peg 03

You can’t really tell, but the pattern on the black paper is silver, so it has just the right amount of bling for me.

magnetised photo peg 02

And I absolutely adore these flowers made out of fabric scraps, I just can’t stop making them.  This time I popped a big plain black brad in the middle.

magnetised photo peg 05

Nice side shot, see magnets hot glued to the back.  I also painted the sides black to give a bit of a uniformed look I guess, but not the inside. My daughter Tiana said I should’ve painted that bit too.  What do you guys think?

magnetised photo peg 04

And here it is in use, cute and practical. Just what every girl needs.  All in all I am very happy with how it turned out.  Simple, cute and practical!

On a side note we had a craft fair last weekend, and I dragged hubby along, I did get some goodies, but have forgotten to take photos, maybe later.  But one thing I didn’t forget to take a photo of is my new mug, exclusively reserved for when I am crafting.

craft mug

Isn’t she a beauty?? I just couldn’t pass her up when I saw it!

I will be using her a lot this weekend, I have a lot of sewing planned and an announcement on a new card making venture I have just gotten involved with, but more on that later.

Until then Happy Crafting


Saturday, March 24, 2012

Favourite Easter Crafts

Hello Blog World,

Due to lack of crafting because of life getting in the way and because My Favourite Valentine Crafts Post was so popular, I thought I would put out there some of my favourite Easter crafts this year, that hopefully I will get a chance to make at least some of them!

So in no particular order I present to you


1.Felt Easter Quiet Book by Chez Beeper Bebe


I love quiet books for little kids, and this one is gorgeous especially for this time of year.

2.Crochet Easter Egg by With a Grateful Prayer and a Thankful Heart

Crochet split Easter Egg wm IMG_5324

Aren’t the colours in this sooo sweet? She even has directions on how to make this!

3. Fluffy Stuffy Bunny by Allsorts


I love this because how cute she is obviously! But you don’t need to just keep her for easter, this would make a cute gift any time of the year.  Pattern and directions are on the Allsorts site!

4. Faux Chenille Bunny Tutorial and Pattern from Sew Much Ado

IMG_6300edit copy

I love this, so pink, so ruffly looking, so cute! I am thinking of trying to get this done in time to donate to my niece’s special school raffle.

5. Washi Tape Spring Egg Wreath by Tatertots and Jello


Look at how fun this is, love the bright colours!!

6. A Little Bunny Basket by Kiki Creates


Isn’t this the sweetest?  I could imagine a little girl going egg hunting toting one of these along with her! How I wish my daughter was little again!

7. Sequin Eggs by Torie Jayne


Amazing what a foam egg form, sequins and pins can achieve.  I just love the simplicity of this. They would look fab on top of a candle stick or a few in bowl?

8. Polka Dot Free Printable by Craftaholics Anonymous


It wouldn’t be a complete list without a printable or two now would it?  And I absolutely adore this one from Craftyholics Anonymous. So bright and cheery!  And honestly you could use it all year round, I know I plan to.

9. Free Easter Printables by Green Beansie Cards via Catch My Party


Absolutely love the bright colours and patterns here and you not only do you get what you see here there are also cupcake wrappers, a happy easter banner and heaps more!

10.Happy Easter Printable by A Matter of Memories


I love this bunny with it’s cute little cotton tail, you can head over to a matter of memories and get one in each colour if you like!

Well that’s it.  There are so many more great Easter crafts out there but you gotta stop somewhere right and with Easter only being 2 weeks away, for anyone that wants to make any of the ideas above you better get to it!

Until then Happy Crafting


Friday, March 23, 2012

My Sketchpad

Hello Blog World

I mentioned in my last post that I was starting up drawing classes.  This is the first art class I have attended since moving from Melbourne over 6 years and to say I was a nervous is a complete under statement!

The main reason for my nerves besides worry if I was good enough and meeting new people was this was “real life” drawing.  Meaning still lives, drawing from sculptures, life forms etc… I had only ever drawn using reference photo’s before and never still life.  I tell you it’s a lot harder than I thought and also very different.  But I had a fantastic time and can’t wait till next week to see what else I will learn.

In celebration of my drawing classes I am sharing with you today a couple of practice sketches I did of some branches as well as the still life I did in class.

sketchpad 01

sketchpad 02

These branches, I did a practice run when I was at a little athletics tournament a couple of weeks ago.

sketchpad 03

And wah lah, my finished piece from class.  Bare in mind it’s all beginners stuff and it’s not the next masterpiece. But I am very pleased with the progression and as I said earlier I cannot wait until next Tuesday!

Not much happening on the crafty side this weekend, my daughter has her state championships for little athletics all weekend, so we will be there cheering her on.  Fingers crossed she makes the state team to go to nationals!

Until then Happy Crafting.


Monday, March 19, 2012

Create Canvas

Hello Blog World,

Ok I know you have all been waiting patiently.  I teased you all yesterday with this sneak peek.


And I asked you what would a person need with all these rosettes?  Well now I am going to tell you, first a bit of background.

While perusing blog land a few weeks ago I stumbled across this beauty.

Isn’t it beautiful?  I knew when I saw this I wanted to make something similar. So while pottering around my craft room the other day and after making my flower magnets using my scraps, I saw this little blank canvas in my stash just screaming to be used.

So I grabbed some  of the paint I bought for redecorating – fresh breeze to be exact and painted up this little canvas.

create canvas 001

I just love this colour!!!

I also had some Thickers fabric letters again just itching to be used.

create canvas 002

So I dug through my gorgeous stash of material found some complimentary colours and made lots and lots of rosettes as you have already seen.

This is what happened when I threw them all together.

create canvas 003

A different spin on Ginger’s version, but I am in love with it and it’s the first addition to my craft room that is slowly being redone. My inspirational piece with all the colours I am redoing my room in and something to inspire and motivate me in my craft blocked moments.

On another note I am very excited and very very nervous for two reason.  The first reason for excitement is I have started a facebook page for my site, so please stop by and look, there is not much there yet but it will hopefully grow slowly like my little place here in my corner of blogland, I look forward to meeting you all.

Secondly  I have enrolled in drawing classes and my first class is tomorrow!!! I am very shy believe it or not so am nervous about meeting new people and nervous about whether my work is good enough or not.  So think of me tomorrow night while I am feeling ill from nervousness by trying to branch out and better my crafts!  I will let you all know how it goes.

create canvas 004

Until then Happy Crafting


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Versatile Blogger Award and a Sneak Peek

Hello Blog World,

Firstly a big thanks goes out to the lovely ladies over at Sisterkins for awarding my blog The Versatile Blogger Award.  Thanks so much ladies, what a great way to start my Sunday morning.  Now go check them out.


As part of this award I need to tell you 7 things about myself and pass on to another 5 great blogs I love and after this scroll to the bottom for a sneak peek of a new project I am working on…I love a bit of mystery.

So in no particular order here are 5 blogs I love – I wish I could pick more.

  1. Mom on a Timeout
  2. Sweet Bee Buzzings
  3. Made Marion
  4. Party Craft Secrets
  5. Serenity You

It was really hard just narrowing down 5, I probably could’ve added 20 more easy. 
This part is even harder!  7 facts about Michelle…I find this hard because what you see is what ya get pretty much.

  1. I think I have mentioned this before but I am a vampire nut and have been for a very long time, I am more into your classic type vampires like Dracula more over the modern day ones like Edward and the boys from Vampire Diaries.  But I do sink my teeth into (pun intended) all vampire related books and movies.  Which brings me onto…

  2. I love to read, I read anywhere between 6-10 books a year.  I have had a love of reading for as long as I remember, mainly fantasy, horror and thriller novels. Stephen King is one of favourite authors.  Currently I am ready The Sookie Stackhouse Series, which is based on the True Blood TV series, I am just about to start book 5 of this.

  3. I am addicted to coffee.  I cannot leave the house in the morning without one.

  4. Don’t judge me on this one please.  I smoke cigarettes!

  5. I love Australian Rules Footy (AFL) – I live and breathe it come the winter months, my team is the Collingwood Magpies.

  6. I love all music (except rap sorry).  I have a wide variety of music and own about 7000 songs ranging from Abba to ZZ Top literally.  This leads me to…

  7. I sing, now I am not very good at it but I sing all the time.  In the shower, at work, in the car, while writing this post.  I just can’t help it I have song in my soul.

So there you go 7 random things about me you didn’t know.  Check out my 5 blogs, they are great and I always get great joy reading them.

I did promise ya’ll a sneak peek of a new project I have been working on this week.  With work and family life, it hasn’t left too much time for crafting unfortunately but I have been working on something that has heaps of these…


Why would someone want so many rosettes you ask?  Ha Ha! You will have to stay tuned, tomorrow I will reveal exactly why I need so many… so I will leave you with another pretty picture.


Until then Happy Crafting


Monday, March 12, 2012

Fabric Flowers {Tutorial}

Hello Blog World,

Got the rest of my house cleaning done so after a lovely lunch with hubby, I dove into my craft room wanting to make something.  After pottering for a while and tidying I came across some magnet backs and thought hmm I know what I can do.

So I delved into my extensive fabric stash that I scored from my sister in law a while back, picked out some little scraps.

fabric flowers 001

Looked it over and was originally going to make a flower like I did for my teacup, but realised none of the scraps were long enough, so I remember seeing a flower done with circles, so I went about cutting out a few circles about 2” wide out of these beauties, oh and some felt.

fabric flowers 002

You then just grab one circle fold it in half wrong sides together and then fold it in half again.

fabric flowers 003 fabric flowers 004

And then just sew it down to your felt ( you could also use hot glue, but I prefer to sew it, I think it gives it a much nicer look and without the mess)

fabric flowers 005

Then sew the other 4 circles on in the same fashion and then a button, bead or brad through the centre and hot glue a magnet on the back. Wah Lah

fabric flowers 006

A bit of advice though, originally I cut the felt the same size as my fabric circles but it was a bit big and you could see it underneath the pretty fabric, so cut it a bit smaller than your fabric circles. 1/2” around should do it.

I was really happy with the result so I wanted to make another one but in a different colour.  So I went digging through my stash again and got out some blacks, but then found one that was long enough for my ruffled flower, so this is my second magnet of the day.

fabric flowers 007

It’s scraps from the quilt I am making at the moment.  I love black and whites, very classy. This time I sewed a plain white button in the centre.  If anyone is interested on how to do this flower let me know and I will post a  how to, and if anyone has any questions about the circle flower just ask I am more than happy to help.

I will leave you today with a picture of both my pretty magnets that are proudly holding up my daughters soccer tournament info on my fridge.

fabric flowers 008

Until then Happy Crafting


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Baby Album

Hello Blog World,

Just another quick post today to show you another layout for my daughter baby album that I worked on last night after high pressure cleaning half my house.

baby album

My gorgeous girl when she was 4 months old. Ain’t she cute!

I have had the the papers and embellishments for a while for this album, just been slack about putting them together.  This is my third page for the album you can see the other two in full detail, just click on the pics below.
on the go 1st wheels

Can you start to see the colour theme happening??

Oh, I forgot to mention yesterday that I have added an about me page so if anyone is interested head over here

Now I’m off to finish the high pressure cleaning. Then I might try and get that doggy bandana done or something else before the weekend ends.

Until then happy crafting


Saturday, March 10, 2012

1st Wheels

Hello Blog World,

Another quick post today to show you a quick scrapbook page I did for my daughter’s baby album.  I know I know I should be sewing and painting my hutch but the scrapping mood hit and I took full advantage.

1st wheels

It’s another page for my daughter’s baby album and this photo was taken on her first birthday with her present which was one of those car things you can sit on and ride or push.  She loved it for a very long time.

Basic supplies used here, some paper flowers, heidi grace papers, hand stitching and stamps. But I do love how it turned out. I might even try to get another layout done today after I have attacked the house exterior with the pressure cleaner.

Until then Happy Crafting.


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Surprise Surprise

Hello Blog World,

Just a quick post today to show you another card I have made. I seem to be back in the cardmaking business…I had so much fund making my thanks card for my friend on the weekend and with a few birthday’s coming up I thought “Hey why not, let’s make some more”.

So I took inspiration from the Clean and Simple FTL180 Sketch again but changed it up this time and paired it up with The paper players – Spring has Sprung Challenge (even though it’s autumn here)


And I came up with this. I guess it doesn’t really look like the sketch too much anymore…

surprise surprise

Very spring has sprung if I do say so myself, also used a lot of scraps up and a flower punch for the flowers.  So this is for my stash as one of my goals this year was to give handmade cards for all events, so I need to build my stash up.

I am going to try my hand this week at a doggy bandana for my puppy so stay tuned.

Until then Happy Crafting.

I Party Here

And Entering this card into the following challenges
Crafty Catz Weekly Challenge 122 – Punches and Dies
The Paper Players Challenge #85 – Spring has Sprung
Clean and Simple FTL180 Sketch
Papertake Weekly Challenge – Anything Goes
The Pink Elephant – Layers Challenge