
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Black and White Quilt Reveal

Hello Blog World

So after months and months of talking about it, I finally have the reveal for you!!

Remember this sneak peak way back in January…

quilt sneak peek 01

Well I am happy to say that it’s finally finished!!! Weeks and weeks of hand appliqueing, losing a panel because my dog got hold of it and thought it would be nice to play with in the backyard (thankfully it wasn't ruined, only a bit dirty, nothing a good hand wash couldn't fix), and miscutting my original fabric and having to rush off to buy more before the fabric shop shut was well worth it.  I am very happy with the way that this quilt has turned out!

black and white quilt 01

Black and white my favourite combo!! I bought this in a kit many many moons ago, I can’t even remember who it’s by.  But as I said I am absolutely delighted in the way it has turned out.  It’s going up on the wall and will be a major focus of my gallery wall when I get around to completing it.

Finishing this quilt and doing a gallery wall was part of my goals for this year, so I am glad to have one ticked off…woohoo!!!  It’s just over 4 months since I declared my goals to the world so I might do a quick update later this week to let everyone know how I’m going.  What do you guys think?

Anyways thanks for your patience with this reveal it took a lot longer than anticipated to complete due to not actually doing any work on it for a long while, but it’s finally done and as I mentioned before I am ecstatic with the finished project. (sorry I ramble when I am excited).  This is my third quilt ever and I really love making them, I will have to start planning my next one I think.

Until then Happy Crafting



  1. Hey there! I came over courtesy of the Liebster award from "Cup of Jo"'s blog ( Congratulations on your award, and let me tell you, I think you've got a great blog!

    That quilt is amazing!!! Quilting is the one thing that I don't do yet-- I'm always interested in learning how, but I'm not sure if I'd be able to do it. The effect can be truly stunning when done well, just like this one <3

    In any case, I'm looking forward to following you and seeing you around in the future. See you again soon!

    *~* Julia *~* *~*

  2. I think black and white is my favorite color combo too. The quilt looks great. I'm your newest follower. If you would like stop by and share this at my Sunday Round UP party that would make me so happy, It starts to night.

  3. Wow this is stunning! I absolutely love the fabric patterns you used. Just gorgeous!

  4. WOW! What a gorgeous quilt!!

    Visiting from A-Z

  5. Very nice. The black and white is quite striking.

  6. Your black and white quilt is lovely. Very modern looking. I am slowly collecting black and white fabrics to eventually make a quilt. Thanks for sharing and thanks for visiting my blog too.

  7. That is Beautiful! Especially love the middle blocks! -Jessica

  8. Wow, this quilt looks so beautiful! I love the black and white together! Liz (

  9. This is amazing! The simplicity in the color scheme really emphasizes the patterns and entire design. I would buy this in a heartbeat!

  10. Thanks for coming and sharing at the Sunday Round Up. can't wait to see what you share next week.
    Rose @

  11. Visiting from Serendipity and Spice.

    Wow, I can't even imagine how long that took! I always tell myself one day I'll learn how to quilt. But it hasn't happened yet.


  12. Stunning what a special treasure to pass in your family you are amazing

  13. This quilt is beautiful! Love the black and white. We're so glad that you linked up to our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday." We hope you'll be back soon. -The Sisters

  14. Thanks so much for linking this gorgeous project up to my Say G'Day Saturday Party. I'm going to share this on my new Facebook page!

    I hope you will be able to join in and link up another fabulous post this weekend!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  15. lovely.
    Thanks for sharing on Serenity Saturday xxxx
