
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Goals for 2012 ~ An Update

Hello Blog World,

Finally finishing my quilt the other day and ticking it off my goals for 2012 made me realise I should really go back and have a look at them and see if I am on track 4 months later.  So here goes nothing…  Be prepared for a lot incoherent rambling.

Goal 1 was to craft more.
black and white quilt 01 create canvas 003
Greetings Card fuzzy monster cushion 01
And more specifically complete the following projects
  • Finish my quilt
  • Gallery Wall for Kitchen –I have the quilt made and bought some frames and have ideas in my mind, does that count??
  • Bathroom Organisers
  • Finish my Cross-Stitch
  • Make a handbag
  • Finish my Elephant Drawing and complete 2 other drawings
  • Continue to learn crochet and complete and hat for Tiana
  • Make a skirt
  • Make my clown doll
  • Make at least 2 things for my niece’s school raffle
  • Make Cards for every birthday and anniversary this year (no buying last minute cards) So Far so good on this but there is still 8 months to go…
  • Redo my Kitchen table table and find chairs to suit it
  • Redo my book shelf
  • Make a meal organiser
Not looking too good so far, but still have 8 months to go.

Goal 2 was Organise and Declutter
  • My Bathroom
  • Kitchen Pantry  Half way there, it is all organised and decluttered, just need to get my vinyl chalkboard labels and jars I want
  • My Craft Room
  • My Bedroom
  • Utilising a daily planner as to not forget about things
  • Meal OrganisingI haven’t made a meal organiser as such but I have been sitting down and doing up a weekly meal plan and shopping accordingly.
Not too bad there…

Goal 3 was A Healthier Life.

Source: via Adrienne on Pinterest

Specific goals included

  • Exercising at least 2-3 times a week
  • Minimal junk food ( I am only human and know I have weaknesses, but limit my self to only one or two times a week)
  • Drinking at least 2 litres of water a day
  • Cooking with fresh ingredients
  • Planning meals ahead of time
So this is really going well on paper…except the exercise.  I am eating really healthy except for the occasional treat and drinking lots of water, and I have actually lost 8kg.  It’s not much in the big scheme of things but I am getting there.

Goal 4 was Grow my Blog and make some Friends


I am pretty happy how this is going, I am posting consistently and slowly building followers.  At the end of the day this is just a hobby, it’s my way of expressing myself, I don’t plan to make money from this space nor do I have the time or knowledge for it.  I am just having fun I work full time so I just put in what I can when I can.

Goal 5 was to Spend more time with my family

                                                                 Source: via Lisa on Pinterest

I still feel like we’re going through the motions a bit, but we’ve had some great athletic carnivals this year so far, lovely lunches and breakfasts on Sunday and some game playing and jewellery making with my daughter.  So with the time we have I think we’re doing alright.

There you go, my goals in review.   It was a bit of ramble as you have all probably come to expect from me at times.  Did anyone else make goals, plans or resolutions this year?  Have you stuck to them?  If anyone has ideas, tips or tricks to help me stay on track please let me know.  I will be all ears and I promise I wont babble on too much.

Until then Happy Crafting.



  1. Great goals!!! I don't know what the fuzzy rainbow thing is but I just love love LOVE it!!!! Where'd you find that killer fuzzy fabric?

  2. What fantastic goals. I should have made more goals at the beginning of the year. I love crossing things off a list.:)

  3. New follower from blog hop! Love the goals! Looking forward to following you!

  4. Michelle, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your update. I think we have a lot in common...many of our goals are similar. I am now following. Thanks so much for sharing at the Rock N Share! Hope you'll join in again!
